Macy - Yankee Hall Bridal Session - Greenville NC Photographer

Guys, I can’t believe it’s already been more than two weeks since Macy officially became Mrs. Nicholas White! We’re still swooning over their wedding day portraits, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share with the world Macy’s bridal portraits. The afternoon of these portraits was forecasted to be on the yucky side with heavy rain. We were so glad she already had a back up plan in place and had planned to do the session at Yankee Hall. And we were even more thrilled when the rain that came wasn’t the monsoon that was once predicted so we could sneak outside for some shots, which ended up being my favorite.

Ya’ll, to know Macy is to love her. She exudes joy and happiness. Her smile lights up the room. She is insanely gorgeous. We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect bride to work with. We hope you’ll enjoy her bridal session!


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